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Replica Metal Soldiers & Models (RMSM) fully complies with UK law relating to mail order companies and the distance selling regulations. We want you to be totally happy with your purchase and our service and invite your comments if we fail in any way. A customer has the right to cancel their order, without giving reason.


​Pricing and Payment


All prices are in sterling.  There is no VAT on our products as we are not a VAT registered company. Purchases made from outside the UK will be charged in sterling and converted to your currency by your credit card company. When ordering you must state the correct card holder details including address, these details are checked for security reasons and any mis-match in details may cause a delay. RMSM reserves the right to cancel and refund any order. The processing of your payment and any order acknowledgments including emails does not constitute a legally binding contract between RMSM and the purchaser. The sales contract begins on delivery of the goods to you or collection from us.


Credit card security


We offer payment via PayPal and Square/IZettle Payments.  These are secure payment methods, using all the latest encryption methods. Your credit card details are not stored on any servers or computers.


Accuracy of website


We aim to keep all pictures and product descriptions up to date and as accurate as possible. Where a weight is given for a particular product this is the average product weight recorded by us for shipping purposes.


Back Orders


If any item(s) you are interested in are currently out of stock, please contact us for an estimate lead time and/or to place a back order. Limited edition sets that are sold out will not be available for back order. However, a custom set may be commissioned, which will not be part of the original limited run and will be slightly different from the production set to preserve the integrity of the limited edition run.


Special Offers and Deals


We reserve the right to vary, suspend, or cancel offers without notice.

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Proudly Made In

Great Britain

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